About Us

Who is Mr. Gentleman?

Mr. Gentleman is someone just like you and me, a common fellow citizen living by its government and society rules, trying to make a living out of today’s oppressed democracy and politics; which is often finding itself in a constant turmoil state, where disorder and chaos are as shiny as day light and as common as dirt. Our society is unfair the way it is, where the rich will most times keep getting richer and the poor getting even poorer – and that’s just how the world is designed to be.  Most things are simply set as it is, because majority of us allow it to be that way, making it hard for a few of us, people of good intent, to try and change our surroundings for better. Fortunately, we can effect changes in our society by starting at home, by changing our own individual lifestyles and inspiring others, including your family and friends.

Mr. Gentleman is a fighter, a survivor amongst the living, who still has a full time job from 9 to 5, and therefore prefers to remain anonymous for the time being – he is not here for the fame, prizes, or any other kind of recognition, but here because he is passionately invested in using his spare time to educate human kind and help others in need, without expecting anything in return. He is zealous, a nobleman, a man of highest integrity, respect and honour – a refined man by all means. He preaches courteousness, politeness and kindness, he says please and thank you, waits his turn in line, he has good manners, open minded, informed and with a purpose, treating others as he would like to be treated, and he is here for YOU, to tell you that we are all in this together, striving to conquer the world. 

His goal is to help you become a better LADY or MAN in life, to become someone with purpose, someone that will GET. THINGS. DONE!

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