Get Inspired

Because what you do today will determine who you become tomorrow.

a heart, sketch, drawing-6533372.jpg


Follow your heart,
no matter what.


Take care of yourself,
strengthen your health.


Always chase happiness,
we all deserve it.

moneybags, wealth, rich-30556.jpg


Live your dreams and work hard,
never give up.

Mr. Gentleman

Mr. Gentleman

Health - take care of yourself, strengthen your health.

What if I told you that the way you feel, act and carry yourself it matters? What if I told you that the way you treat your mental and physical health is entirely and absolutely up to you and how you choose to do so? Nobody else will take the initiative to have or follow healthy habits for you. Having a good financial status, being happy and in love will come in vain if you are not able to live longer while enjoying a good quality of life. In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) – a strictly specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health where its main objective is the “attainment  by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”, once declared:


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


And then, back in 1986, they made an additional note public:


“Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”


I personally like this approach, or point of view I must say. Yes, at a first glance, having a healthy lifestyle is not only based on the absence of physical, mental or social illness but also a state of complete comfort in all of those three areas, further to that, health becomes a fundamental asset and one main pillar into a person’s life in today’s society, instead of just its simple initial statement.

Since the beginning of human history, we have heard and seen many diseases come to surface, new viruses, and all other kinds of sickness hit us from time to time, leaving its mark behind wherever it passes by. We have seen old and present, science and media, make efforts to elevate the state of awareness on different types of illness by trying to fathom how each and every one works, for how long, causes, effects, consequences, finding out new ways to either slow them down or come to a complete spreading point-stop. Health became not only a good state of mind and physical looks but also the ability of a body to adapt and overcome new menaces or infirmity.


In today’s modern society, the way we handle life and our healthy (or not) habits are quite sometimes misjudged, misunderstood and in a way separated into different planes; a chiropractor might tell you how to treat you body, a therapist might suggest you how to deal with mental stress or insecurities, or a nutritionist might recommend you better ways to eat healthfully, but unfortunately, there’s very close to none overlap or crossover guidance to gather the pieces all together of this giant puzzle that it is to make your lifestyle healthier.

We have forgotten that the meaning of health is not just the absence of physical, mental or social illness but that it also involves having and following healthy habits, doing things that make you happy and feel good! For some people, a healthy lifestyle could be working out at the gym, eating better and well, playing sports, walking a couple of miles every day, watching a movie, reading a book every week or month, spending virtual or in-person time with their loved ones everyday. Not all diseases are preventable, but a large proportion of them can be avoided.


Every time I have a chance, this is the question I like to ask people around me who I see sometimes are lacking healthier habits in their lives  (including me sometimes): “Would you let someone you love or care deeply about, have or follow your health standards of living knowing that will lead them to illness, deadly or not, in the future?”

It is a harsh question. The most common answer I get is: “Of course not, why would I let them keep going if I know that’s going to eventually kill them!” – or similar.

And that’s the main point! If you are not capable of letting loved ones follow your way of living, knowing that you might have some let’s call it “inappropriate” ways of conducting your well-being pillar, then why would you allow yourself to follow that path? When a healthy lifestyle is adopted, you are sending a strong message to others around you, to your family, friends and strangers even, you become a more positive role model, especially for children. It is important for you to change your behaviour and improve your mental and physical health in order to live healthier and longer lives.

I’m here, inviting you to partake on a new journey, and live a better life. People who smile all the time don’t hit a Google button saying “How to smile all the time”, if you’re here because you know there are some areas in your life that could use some improvement. I speak for myself, it is hard to change, God knows how hard it was for me to start changing my eating habits, start exercising more, working out, reading, even dedicating chunk of my time to write about this stuff – I honestly can’t stress enough how important it is to CREATE NEW HABITS, be a new version of yourself. I truly hope this has helped you realize, or at least provided you with a glance into what is the work we are trying to achieve around here. Stay tuned for more articles, we will be writing a lot about Love, Health, Bliss and Wealth. Please feel free to write to me, I’m just another civilian just you, and my mission here is to help others and virtually reach people who find themselves in need of some kind of guidance. I’m no expert, I write things based on my personal life and what has worked for me so far. Feel free to write your questions, suggestions or any feedback you may have, you are all welcome.


-Take care of yourself, strengthen your health!-



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