Get Inspired

Because what you do today will determine who you become tomorrow.

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Follow your heart,
no matter what.

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Take care of yourself,
strengthen your health.


Always chase happiness,
we all deserve it.

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Live your dreams and work hard,
never give up.

Mr. Gentleman

Mr. Gentleman

Bliss - always chase happiness, we all deserve it.

Perfect happiness… great joy…. supreme pleasure, delight or euphoria. How many of us can say we wake up every morning truly looking forward to our day, with a big sigh of bliss? After all, what is the true meaning of bliss, utter joy or contentment? Here we like to address bliss as a feeling, a state of unity, completeness, transcendence, wholeness and uplifted consciousness if you must. It’s a feeling of oneness and connection with everything and everyone around you. A lifestyle navigated by bliss is never boring, old or new, is constantly broad and all-embracing, thorough, inclusive, extensive and forthcoming. If you are a blissful person, you are a happy and composed individual. Now, how are we supposed to lead a lifestyle by being joyful all the time? How are we supposed to carry our lives forward in that state of happiness and peace of mind when the world out there is currently drowning in its society and ambiental issues? To name a few, the planet is suffering with our current: climate change/global warming, water and energy consumption, unemployment, destruction and shrinking of living species, violence,  social immorality, rising disrespect of culture and tradition, world-wide pandemic, wealth inequality, poverty, drug abuse, famine,  pollution, racism, etc – as the list goes on, and on, and on…

The world is full of tragedy and disaster, but you know what else the world is full of? People! You’re right, human-beings! The current world population is 7.9 billion as of November of 2021 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer.

But again, let us not lose focus of what we came here to talk about: BLISS. How can we achieve perfect happiness in the midst of all of this? And the answer is “by doing your part!” Sometimes I see people around me wondering, thinking out loud if one person can truly make a difference in the world, and my answer is YES, yes we can make a difference, but unfortunately we can’t impact change right away. It’s a process, a lengthy one, and changing, adapting and growing into a new lifestyle followed by a state of bliss requires individual effort and willingness. It starts from you and me. You not only can make a difference but I would bet you have probably had a far greater impact on way more people than you realize, directly or indirectly, good or bad influence, you still made a difference. I personally believe our society is full of followers with very few leaders able to impact and cause change, but little we know that the only difference between us “mere mortals” and the ones we put on pedestals is the whining! Presidents, CEOs, leaders and influencers, they truly believe they truly believe they are special and destined for greater things, they truly believe they can impact change, but SO CAN WE. Go out there and make a difference, do something that makes you feel good about your actions and your life, the smile you give will most likely come back right at you. As Steve Jobs once said to his original Apple Macintosh design team, “Make a dent in the universe.” Most days when I walk back from work, I walk past at least 3-4 homeless people, and that breaks my heart. It breaks my heart to come home, have a nice and hot shower, eat a good meal, sleep on a comfortable bed knowing that they are out there living under drastic conditions. I started this paragraph with the intent to mention this very one thing, for every time I have approached them, either to offer help or to give them a smile and say good morning or good evening, they will most times smile back at me. Sometimes I will come back from work a bit frustrated, thinking my day was indeed a bad one, but then someone that clearly is having a harsh day out there on the streets will still respond back to me with a smile or some form of gratitude. Let’s bring this conversation to a more wider concept, let’s talk about your friends, family, colleagues and strangers on the street; we all look for connections, we all want to be seen for who we are and what we do, a simple “good morning” can change that person’s day so much and like a said before, sometimes you have absolutely no idea how a kind gesture can go a long way. To make a difference in the world you don’t have to be famous, you can start that at home! Think about it, when you influence a few others, you can slowly cause a ripple effect that, over time, can actually impact thousands over generations. Think about all your social followers, your friends, family, coworkers, customers,  strangers you walk by every day… they are just part of that equation, you have the power to influence so many people without even being aware of it. Yes, we are humble and kind human-beings, men and women but nevertheless, we can do great things, even if only for a very short period of time. Others are watching you and your actions can change the course of the world and most importantly, CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL. Get out there and find what brings joy to your life, happiness can be finding the love of your life, it can be having a good financial status, it could be driving a high-end car, travelling the world, buying the house of your dreams, it can be as simple as eating your favourite food, or watching that tv show that you like so much, simple as a reading a book, or a “good morning” or “good evening”. Being happy can be as simple as a SMILE. Your face uses less muscles to smile rather than to cry, it takes minimal effort to smile and spread happiness around, try it at home, try it wherever you go, you will see the difference, actually… you will FEEL the difference. Allow body and mind to feel proud of yourself, you are NOT just one more out there, you ARE capable to inflict change. Smile more, laugh more, hug and love more, love yourself above everything and anything else.

-Always chase happiness, we all deserve it-



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